Jyothi Convent School
At.Gelpur, Po. Tihidi, Via. Madhav Nagar Bhadrak, Odisha

Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal and a letter from the Parent / Guardian.
Late arrivals to the school is a breach of discipline. A late comer, who comes to the school must enter the date and time of arrival in the Regularity Record under 'LATE'. These are to be signed by the parents when he/she gets back home.

Late arrivals which exceeds five times will lead to a 'parent call' and ten late arrivals may invoke suspension from the school.
Students who come late to the school habitually may be sent back home.

The school declines all responsibility if through failure to produce a letter stating the reasons for absence or delay, a boy/girl is obliged to return home during school hours.
Early departure is availed when there is an emergency at home or when a student gets sick in the school.

In case a child gets sick/meets with any accident in the school premises he/she can be helped with immediate first aid only. The parents will be informed and are expected to come and attend immediately.
Re-admission to class for absentees and late comers is granted when they can show the teacher-in-charge the regularity record duly counter signed by the principal.

Every student must have a copy of the school calendar. The school calendar must be brought to the school every class day. The students must enter his/her name and class into all the entries for `ABSENT'. 'LEAVE' and 'UNIFORM', etc.

Smoking, chewing pan, chewing gum, betel nut or tobacco etc., are strictly prohibited.
Fancy items, curious and electronic gadgets (toys, digital calculators, mobile phones etc,) are not permitted in the school.
Once found such items in the hands of the students and seized from them it will never be given back.
Any damage to the school property must be made good by the student concerned.
Students are responsible for the safe custody of their own books and belongings. Each article should be marked with the student's name.
Every student is expected to subscribe towards small school shows and local charities, if asked by the principal.
Every student is expected to take part in various curricular activities organized by the school.
The common medium of communication in the school premises is English. Serious steps will be taken against those speaking vernacular in the school campus at any time.

Behavior at School :

To write or draw on the black board {except when called upon to do so), to write offensive words, to soil walls or maps or anything else are things absolutely to be avoided.
Take care of your books, copy books and other belongings. Beware of appropriating your neighbour's property even if it be the smallest thing. If you find a lost article, give it at once to the school office.
Always have high regard for your school. Keep its respect and honour as a responsible student.
Encourage your companions with a generous applause. Be gentlemanly when things are not been according to your taste or as perfect as you expected them to be.
Whenever you move from place to place be orderly. Do not push and shove one another.

Children should look upon their school-mates as brothers and sisters and upon their teachers and superiors as fathers and mothers.
Respect every teacher whether of your own class or not. Show your teachers those exterior signs of reverence to which they are entitled, such as greeting them whenever you meet them.
Be convinced that your teachers deeply feel their serious obligation of promoting your welfare in the best way they possibly can, and that in advising, commanding and correcting you, they have nothing else in view but your own good.

Always raise when your teachers enter the class and again when they leave. If they delay, in coming do not make any noise, but wait for them in your places in silence reviewing your lessons or reading some good books during class avoid whispering or interrupting.

For Parents and Guardians:

Parents retain their rights and duties in the education of their children, even though they delegate them in part to the school. The support and collaboration of parents are in all cases considered indispensible to the success of imparting education carried out by the school.

Parents and guardians are requested to cooperate with the school authorities.
By urging their wards to be regular and punctual in attendance. By not engaging private tutors who are teachers of JCS
By seeing that their wards are diligent at their "Home work' and lesson
By insisting on neatness and cleanliness in the text books, exercise books and personal appearance.
By actively participating in the parent teacher meeting which would help the parents to have a close contact with the activities of the school.